Key Infrastructure Priorities
Your Regeneration Ideas
We requested your regeneration ideas. These have been collated within an appendix found in the key documents section of this website.
A consensus cloud of the number 1 idea from each respondent has been included – see left (the larger the word, the more times it was mentioned in all responses).
Transport Links
Relative Importance of local, regional and national links:
Relative Importance of local, regional and national links:
Public Transport & Travel
We requested your views on the relative importance of getting about by car, by public transport, on foot or by bike:

Town & Village Facilities
We asked how important various town and village facilities are:

We asked how important you thought the existing housing stock was as well as new housing:

Open Space
We asked how you rated various types of open spaces:

Sports Facilities

We asked how important various sports facilities would be:
Health & Wellbeing

We asked how you rated facilities for health & wellbeing:
Skills & Training

We asked how important opportunities & facilities for skills and training were:
Visitors & Tourism

We asked you how important various aspects of the visitor and tourism sectors were to the town:
Any other thoughts
We asked for any thoughts that you felt had not been included in the above questions.
Your responses have been collated and are contained in our Stage 1 Consultation Survey Data document.