Heamoor West
I like where I live because:
- It is by the sea, we have beautiful scenery and sea side. It is relatively safe.
- My garden keeps me busy, good neighbours
- It is friendly and I have shops around me and a bus which comes every half hour, as not everyone has a car. We need Penzance updated with better shops.
- Location, ease of walking distance to amenities. Garden open space, countryside
- On edge of Heamoor, 30 minutes walk to Penzance major shopping area with Doctor, Dentist and all amenities available to people our age (70’s)
- Good locality. Near Penzance schools, hospital etc.
- Heamoor is a friendly village to live in. Been here for 28 years
- The village s a thriving community. It is on a bus route near to school and shops and a short walk down the road we are in the country
- I love the garden, parking, safe environment for children. Can walk to town, also bus route ideal for work
- Quiet cul-de-sac, good neighbours, good buses to town
- Its in a quiet cul-de-sac on the edge of town
- It is comfortable, manageable and close to services
- I was born in village, when I bought my house 40 yr. ago it was still a lovely village and a nice area to live. There was a good school which has I think fallen back
- It’s near the town and it’s near the countryside
- Nicholas Park, estate is a very nice friendly place to live. I would like to see more parking, if that means taking away some of the grass
- Everyone is so friendly and neighbourly
- It is quiet, friendly with good neighbours
- Generally well kept and maintained neighbourhood. Appears to be a socially responsible environment
- Quiet, not too far from town
- It is a retirement bungalow and easy to heat, clean and decorate and parking area for family
- Close to schools (primary & secondary), easy walk to town/countryside doesn’t need access through Heamoor which is very congested.
- It is a nice quiet cul-de-sac
- It is quiet, handy, easy living
- Quiet area, gardens, car parking, good neighbours
- It’s quiet , not much trouble
- It is close to my childrens schools and it is not a council estate. Overall people keep their properties looking nice.
I don’t like where I live because:
- Nothing adventurous happens with the town shops, buildings or regeneration. Look at Penzance compared to Falmouth
- Heamoor and Madron are becoming far too built up. Build homes on brown field site first (e.g.) Penlee Quarry
- Speed, amount if traffic using the estate as a run especially at school times
- If you build 450 houses behind my garden
- Parking
- N/A
- Getting into Penzance, there is congestion due to parking on the exit road and since the bypass was built I no longer feel it is a village and traffic is chaotic in summer
- No comment to add
- None
- The town (PZ) is dying through lack of parking and toilets
- Big housing development in pipe line. No affordable council houses for youngsters to rent, all local jobs going fishing, farming etc.
- With my husband being a police officer we often have his ‘service users’ passing our property and taking excessive interest, but for the present the advantages of where we live outweigh this annoyance.
- Too small
- Buses are few
- Very mixed range of people on estate e.g. druggies etc. but they leave us alone so that is good
- It’s too far from town and is a 10/15 minute walk to the nearest shop
- I cannot drive along the roads for the amount of parked cars and vans on it (Boscathoe Way & Madron Road)
What would you most like to change about where you live:
- Use of our seaside facilities – harbours, promenade, Newlyn green. A club for live music other than Sound! Regeneration of the town centre and some colour! We don’t just want pasty shops and sell your gold shops!
- Cleaner streets
- More things for children to do to keep them off the streets and the traffic to be capped with the speed they come down Madron
- Too many second homes. Stop housing problem family’s into social housing. Homes for local Cornish
- Keeping of countryside and open spaces without anymore building, keeping the nearby national trust property in appropriate surroundings
- Although we have a 20 mph speed limit in Heamoor the majority of drivers ignore this. We are right next door to the academy and fear there will be motor accidents involving children
- Parking in street
- Better access road through haemovore village
- We are concerned that the proposed houses on Boscathoe Lane will change everything with our estate becoming a cut through to Main Road and even more traffic hold ups
- Nothing
- Trees in garden behind could be lopped
- Car parking and toilets in town centre. 45 mins is not long enough. Car parking charges are too high
- More younger families prepared to socialise
- Stop big building developments. Local people to have say in decisions about what goes on in area. More working class local people running things that effect area.
- Some people don’t pick up their dog’s mess. This needs to be policed much better as there is a primary and nursery school nearby and we often see it stepped in or pushchair wheel marks!
- Following on from the above comment. It would work out cheaper to cut down on crass area to accommodate more cars
- More parking spaces for all the cars
- Some of the trees need cutting back. Green moss on some of the walkways
- Litter!
- Empty holiday homes!
- It’s fine
- More dog waste bins and bins in general. In Penzance public toilets are desperately needed, also need to have more shops in town and less charity shops.
- A view
- Have central heating
- More buses
- General tidy up
- A shop closer, and to see this area free of constant dog faeces
- Have double yellow lines and enforcements to stop people parking on corners making driving dangerous